Crimson Queen
This heat-resistant Maple maintains its dark purple to red foliage through the summer. Leaves are deeply dissected. Fall color runs an arrray of scarlet tones. Zone 5 Size: 10\’ x 10\’
This heat-resistant Maple maintains its dark purple to red foliage through the summer. Leaves are deeply dissected. Fall color runs an arrray of scarlet tones. Zone 5 Size: 10\’ x 10\’
Crimson-red new growth turns burgundy in the summer, then rusty-red in the fall. It has a strong branching habit with pendulous branch tips. Zone 5. Size: 5′-10′ x 6′-8′
This is an upright grower with deeply dissected, fern-like green leaves. Fall color is striking, with brilliant scarlet tones which sometimes turn various shades of rubycrimson. Zone 5. Size: 8’-12’
This large Japanese Maple with coral-red to salmon bark gives a striking contrast in winter. The palmate new growth is yellow-orange, turning to green in the summer. Brilliant yellow-gold fall color. Zone 5. Size: 20′-25′ x 15′-20′
This cascading form turns into a dome-shaped tree. New deeply-dissected leaves are bright green with yellow-gold, followed by a bright crimson in the fall. Zone 5. Size: 10\’-12\’ x 3\’-4\’
This slow-growing grafted Japanese Maple forms a compact tree with a broad round shape. The leaves come out maroon in the spring and hold their color through early summer. The narrow, bamboo-like leaves darken in summer and fall color is a brilliant yellow-orange. Zone 5b. Size: 8’ x 6’
This tree has arching branches with dissected leaves that turn from green to purple to a brilliant orange in the fall. It is a real stand-out as a specimen or as an accent plant, and a great contrast against green-leaved plants. Zone 5. Size: 12\’-15\’ x 4\’-6\’
Shiny-green star-shaped palmate leaves remain green through the summer and turn yellow-orange in the fall. It is fast growing and heat tolerant.It’s name means ”jewel”. Zone 6a. Size: 10’-12’ x 6’-8’
Bright red palmate leaves emerge in the spring and darken as they age. A very nice dwarf selection with a broad upright form. Fall foliage is orange to red. The dark red stems stand out in the winter months. Zone 5. Size: 12\’ x 12\’
Bright green apple with pink blush. Excellent for eating, cooking, and sauce. High juice content and stores very well. Chilling Hours: 400-600 Pollinizer Required? Yes Ripening Period: Late September-Early October
Firm, sweet, juicy, light yellow flesh of excellent quality. Well-adapted to mild minter areas. Chilling Hours: 400 Pollinizer Required? Yes Ripening Period: Late August – Early September
Top-quality, crisp, sweet apple. Gold skin with red blush. Will take summer heat. Plant more than one for better production. Chilling Hours: 500 Pollinizer Required? Partial Self-Pollinizer Ripening Period: Late July-Early August