G – July Gardening Checklist

Vegetables:  Vegetable planting is still going on-just be sure to water new seedlings well and often! Don’t let them dry out while they are germinating and getting their “true” leaves, as moisture is critical at this stage. Fall vegetable gardening in many ways can be better than a spring garden in Central Texas. Believe it or not, we plant tomato plants for “fall” tomatoes in July!  We suggest choosing either a “determinate” type tomato (see info sheet), or a variety that has 60-70 “days to harvest”. I have also grown [...]

By |2023-02-28T08:37:06-06:00July 9th, 2019|Monthly Gardening Checklist|

B – February Gardening Checklist

VEGETABLES Onions transplants should be planted before mid-month. Click HERE for planting instructions. Seed Swiss chard, carrots, turnips and radishes directly into the garden. Cover seedlings during hard freezes. Cool-season greens such as lettuce, spinach, mesclun greens and mustard greens should be planted early in the month from seed. Potatoes are usually planted around President’s Day.  Choose varieties such as Kennebec or Red Lasoda. Cut seed potatoes into sections with at least one “eye” per section. Lay them out to dry in a shady spot. Shaking them in a bag [...]

By |2024-01-29T08:51:35-06:00February 22nd, 2019|Monthly Gardening Checklist|

L – December Gardening Checklist

December Gardening Checklist Vegetable Gardens: Plant lettuce, radish and spinach from seed or transplants. Cover whenever frost or freeze is expected. Prepare for January planting of onions. Make a planting plan for spring that includes crop rotation. Lawns: Water lawns with 1” of water if it hasn’t rained 1” in the last 2-3 weeks. Remove any leaves that have fallen so that water can get to the soil and the leaves don’t shade the grass (especially St. Augustine, which may have some green leaves) during the winter months. Winterize your [...]

By |2021-12-29T13:34:57-06:00December 2nd, 2018|Monthly Gardening Checklist|

K – November Gardening Checklist

Trees and shrubs: The best planting season for trees and shrubs is now through mid-March. Root systems will establish well in the winter months, requiring less frequent watering than in the spring and summer establishment period. When the heat hits in late spring, your plants will benefit from the “head start” on root establishment! Mulch: Trees and shrubs will benefit from an additional layer of mulch to protect their roots in the winter and to conserve moisture. Pull the mulch away from trunks and stems, as the mulch will block [...]

By |2021-12-29T10:54:16-06:00November 22nd, 2018|Monthly Gardening Checklist|

J – October Gardening Checklist

Vegetables: October is prime planting for many cool-season vegetables. Plant Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, and Cauliflower from transplants. Swiss chard, Kale, Kohlrabi, Leeks, Spinach, Collards, Lettuce, Mustard Greens, Asian Greens and Spinach may be planted from seed or transplants. Beets, carrots radishes, and cool-season peas such as snap, English and snow peas should be planted directly from seed. Be sure to follow directions on thinning carrots, beets, radishes, lettuce and spinach in order to produce a harvestable crop! October is the best month to plant Garlic from cloves separated from [...]

By |2024-09-29T11:03:40-05:00October 3rd, 2018|Monthly Gardening Checklist|

E – May Gardening Checklist

Annuals and Perennials: Remove spent blooms on annuals such as Zinnias, snipping the bloom back to just above the first set of leaves. This process is known as “deadheading”, and if done as soon as blooms begin to fade will encourage repeat blooming.   Deadhead Geraniums by bending the flower stalk away from the stem it is growing on. If you have your Geraniums in the sun, it is time to move them to afternoon shade. They will continue blooming all summer if given some shade, occasional pruning and monthly [...]

By |2022-05-03T11:20:40-05:00May 2nd, 2018|Monthly Gardening Checklist|

D – April Checklist

ANNUALS AND PERENNIALS: Continue planting warm season annuals and perennials. Work compost into the beds before planting and apply fertilizer such as MicroLife 6-2-4 or 8-4-6 after planting.  Water the planting in well. Add large colorful pots of combination plantings to your landscape. Be sure to include tall, medium and trailing plants- also known as “the thriller, the filler and the spiller”!!! Check for insects such as Aphids, Caterpillars and Mealybugs regularly. Use Safer Insecticidal Soap, Spinosad Soap or Captain Jack’s Dead-bug Brew as organic options, or consult out staff for [...]

By |2021-12-29T10:04:48-06:00April 4th, 2018|Monthly Gardening Checklist|

C – March Gardening Checklist

Annuals and Perennials Now is the time to plant warm season annuals and perennials. Their root systems will have a chance to become established before the summer heat sets in, and hand watering will be easier when temperatures are cooler.  Be ready to protect your newly planted/tender plants with frost cloth just in case we get a late freeze. The average last frost in Burnet County is March 15.   Some of my favorite plants to add instant color to the winter-worn landscape or to your containers are marigolds, geraniums, [...]

By |2024-02-29T15:16:52-06:00February 28th, 2018|Monthly Gardening Checklist|


ANNUALS AND PERENNIALS: Continue watering and fertilizing cool-season annuals to ensure productive flowering.  Use NutriStar Color Star time-release fertilizer once a month for continuous feeding. Pansies are particularly heavy-feeders, and will always respond to fertilization with added blooms. Continue planting pansies, violas, ornamental cabbage and kale, snapdragons, dusty miller and cyclamen (protect cyclamen from freezes). VEGETABLES: If you plan on growing transplants for spring planting, count back 6-8 weeks from the last average frost date to start tomato and pepper seedlings. This is early to mid-January in Central Texas.  Place [...]

By |2021-12-27T14:44:27-06:00January 2nd, 2018|Uncategorized|

I – September Gardening Checklist

    Vegetable Gardens:  If you haven’t already removed your old vegetable plants from spring, now is the time to do so! Compost whatever does not have disease or insects, and discard the rest. This is your “window” to add amendments to your garden! Choose from Happy Frog Soil Conditioner, or Heirloom Soils Leaf Mold Compost quality amendments for use in gardens and other plantings. Compost will add needed nutrients and texture to your soil, improving moisture holding capacity, microbe activity, and production.  If you need large amounts of compost [...]

By |2024-09-10T17:12:27-05:00September 5th, 2017|Monthly Gardening Checklist|

H – August Gardening Checklist

Annuals and perennials: There is still time to plant heat-loving annuals in those bare spots in the landscape. Many of the heat-lovers, such as Vinca, Angelonia and Penta will thrive all the way until frost. Geraniums in pots may be trimmed and fertilized for a fall display of blooms. If you haven’t already, move them to afternoon shade. Some perennials are looking stressed, especially Lantana, which might have Lantana Lacebugs. Now is a good time to cut them back and fertilize them for a spectacular bloom throughout the fall. Don’t [...]

By |2021-12-29T10:33:29-06:00August 1st, 2017|Monthly Gardening Checklist|

F – June Gardening Checklist

Annuals and Perennials: Some of the best heat-loving annuals are ready to be planted now! Vinca, Angelonia, Penta, Sweet Potato Vine, Coleus, Wax Begonias, Purslane and Portulaca will easily make it through our hot summer with attentive watering and monthly fertilization. Even Geraniums, when moved to dappled shade or part sun will produce abundant blooms all summer if deadheaded and fertilized monthly.                 Perennials should be establishing well if planted in the spring. If planting now, continue hand-watering daily for several weeks. Watering [...]

By |2023-05-31T10:25:26-05:00June 7th, 2017|Monthly Gardening Checklist|
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