Split Leaf Philodendron
Monstera deliciosa An old-fashioned plant, easy to care for. Do not overwater. Allow soil to dry. Light: Medium Water: Low-Medium Fertility: Medium
Monstera deliciosa An old-fashioned plant, easy to care for. Do not overwater. Allow soil to dry. Light: Medium Water: Low-Medium Fertility: Medium
Chlorophytum elatum \”Baby\” plants are easily rooted by pinning to the top of the soil with a bobbie pin! Require bright indirect light. Light: High Water: Medium Fertility: Medium
Saintpaulia ionantha Although these tough plants \’tolerate\’ low light, they will benefit from artificial light when available. Light: Low Water: Low Fertility: Low
Ficus elastica \’Decora\’ An easy, fast-growing plant. Good for offices. Will tolereate a bit of sun. Allow the top of soil to dry. Light: Medium Water: Medium Fertility: Medium
Beaucarnea recurvata Let soil approach dryness between watering. An easy-keeper in bright indirect light conditions. Light: Medium Water: Medium Fertility: Medium
Unique plants, many varieties. Check out Owl\’s Eye and Watermelon Peperomia. Allow soil to dry. Light: Medium Water: Dry Fertility: Medium
Spathyphyllum sp Water this plant BEFORE it wilts, and it will do well! White blooms are a plus! Light:Low-Medium Water: Moist Fertility: Medium
Araucaria excelsa Bright, indirect or early morning light is best. Do not allow soil to dry completely. Light:High Water: Medium Fertility: Medium
Syngonium podophyllus May be trimmed if it gets leggy. Easy keeper in lower light conditions. Light:Low-Medium Water: Moist Fertility: Medium
Chamaedorea elegans This plant does well in artificial light when available. Stays smaller than most palms. Light: Low Water: Medium Fertility: Medium
Pachira aquatica According to Feng Shui, Money Tree will bring good luck and fortune. This is an \”easy keeper\”! Light: Medium Water: Moist Fertility: Medium
Adiantum sp. Do not allow to dry out. Increase humidity by placing on tray with gravel and water to evaporate. Light: Medium Water: Moist Fertility: Medium