Bright pink blooms on this semi-dwarf shrub with attractive exfoliating bark and red-orange fall color. Color: Pink Size: 5\’-10\’
Bright pink blooms on this semi-dwarf shrub with attractive exfoliating bark and red-orange fall color. Color: Pink Size: 5\’-10\’
This dwarf Crape Myrtle sports bright white blooms on glossy, dark green foliage. Excellent accent plant or may be grown in a container. Color: Bright white Size: 4\’-5\’
Prolific bright red blooms on a tight rounded habit make this a standout in the landscape. Color: Bright Red Size: 4\’-5\’
Vibrant purple flowers against glossy, dark green foliage make this disease resistant Crape Myrtle a winner. Color: Bright purple Size: 4\’-5′
Deep burgundy foliage holds its color in the sun. Bright red flowers on a compact habit make this a standout, especially in mass plantings. Color: Bright red Size: 8′-10′
Deep scarlet blooms on contrasting dark-green foliage make this a standout in the landscape. Color: Scarlet red Size: 15\’-20\’
Near-black foliage contrasts dramatically with masses of coral-pink blooms. Color: Coral pink Size: 12′
This disease resistant variety has pure white ruffled flowers and a weeping habit. Attractive peeling bark gives winter interest. Color: White Size: 10′-10′
Zamioculcus zamiifolia Easy plant that only requires water about once a month. May need to \”rejuvenate\” in brighter light if in low light long. Light:Low-Medium Water: Very Low Fertility: Low
Ficus benjamina Known for dropping leaves if moved, but will grow new ones quickly. Trim tiny dead branches as needed. Light: Medium Water: Medium Fertility: Medium
Tradescantia sp. Trim often to keep full. Cuttings root in water. Purple varieties require more light to keep color. Light: Medium Water: Moist Fertility: Medium
Platycerium bifurcatum Keep outside under trees in summer. Can divide when they get too large to handle. Bright light inside is best. Light: Medium Water: Dry Fertility: Low