Dragon Tree
Dracaena marginata An easy, fast-growing plant. Good for offices. Light: Medium Water: Medium Fertility: Medium
Dracaena marginata An easy, fast-growing plant. Good for offices. Light: Medium Water: Medium Fertility: Medium
Epipremnum sp. \’Marble Queen\’ has white variegation. Classic Pothos is called Golden Pothos. Light:Low-Medium Water: Medium Fertility: Medium
The more colors in the foliage, the more light it needs. Watch for spider mites and clean leaves often. Light: Medium-high Water: Medium Fertility: Medium
Dracaena fragrans massangeana Classic plant for narrow locations. Keep dust cleaned off of leaves. Light: Low Water: Medium Fertility: Medium
Aglaonema sp Bottom leaves will \\”cup\\” when it is ready to be watered. One of the best plants for lower light locations. Light: Low Water: Low Fertility:Low
Nephrolepis exaltata bostoniensis Keep moist and divide when it fills the pot and the ’runners’ start proliferating. Bright, filtered light best. Light: Medium Water: Moist Fertility: Medium
Asplemium nidus Dilute fertilizer every month will keep it green. Likes humidity. Light: Medium Water: Moist Fertility: Medium
Chamaedorea erumpens A much better palm than the common \\’Majesty\\’ palm. Does not seem as susceptible to spider mites. Light: Low Water: Medium Fertility: Medium
Saintpaulia ionantha Location, location, location! These are incredibly easy to grow and will flower repeatedly in the correct light. Light: Medium Water: Moist Fertility: Medium