Syngonium podophyllus May be trimmed if it gets leggy. Easy keeper in lower light conditions. Light:Low-Medium Water: Moist Fertility: Medium
Syngonium podophyllus May be trimmed if it gets leggy. Easy keeper in lower light conditions. Light:Low-Medium Water: Moist Fertility: Medium
Chamaedorea elegans This plant does well in artificial light when available. Stays smaller than most palms. Light: Low Water: Medium Fertility: Medium
Pachira aquatica According to Feng Shui, Money Tree will bring good luck and fortune. This is an \”easy keeper\”! Light: Medium Water: Moist Fertility: Medium
Adiantum sp. Do not allow to dry out. Increase humidity by placing on tray with gravel and water to evaporate. Light: Medium Water: Moist Fertility: Medium
Ficus alii More tolerant and forgiving than Ficus benjamina. Does not like temps under 60°F. Do not put in too large a pot. Light: Medium Water: Medium Fertility: Medium
Columnea sp. Related to African Violets, it has beautiful red blooms. Use African violet fertilizer. Light: Medium-high Water: Medium Fertility: Medium
Microsorum diversifolium Bright, indirect light. Fertilize with half strength fertilizer in spring or use fish emulsion. Light: Medium Water: Moist Fertility: Low
Hoya carnosa Also known as \’wax plant\’ for its waxy looking blooms. Light: Medium Water: Low Fertility: Medium
Cissus rhombifolia One of my favorite \”go to\” plants for dappled shade. Do not overwater. Light: High Water: Medium Fertility: Medium
Columnea gloriosa Shiny leaves with orange, goldfish shaped blooms. African violet family. Use African violet fertilizer. Light: Medium Water: Moist Fertility: Medium
Ficus lyrata Location, location, location! Requires bright, indirect light. Allow top of soil to dry. Light: Medium Water: Medium Fertility: Medium
Dieffenbachia compacta Sap has calcium oxylate crystals which inflame the tongue and throat when ingested. All plant parts poisonous. Light: Medium-high Water: Low-medium Fertility: Low