Planting a Grow Bag Texas Mountain Laurel
Planting a Grow Bag Texas Mountain Laurel MEASURE from the bottom of the bag to the top of the soil. (NOT to the top of the bag) DIG a hole that is about two inches shallower than the measurement of the soil depth. TURN the bag on its side and cut the bottom off the bag with a sharp knife. PLACE the grow bag in the prepared hole. The top of the soil in the bag should be about two inches above the soil line. [...]
Red Yucca Varieties
Red Yucca Varieties Red Yucca Hesperaloe parviflora is a versatile, evergreen shrubby perennial that is adapted to most areas in Texas. It is tolerant of alkaline to acid soils, sun, part sun or shade and while very drought tolerant it will also tolerate seasonally wet soils as long as the soil is well drained. They are winter hardy to -20°F which makes them especially suitable for planting in pots in Central Texas. Coral to salmon-pink flowers appear on 6’ tall bloom stalks several times throughout the summer and are hummingbird magnets! Unfortunately the deer consider the flowers to be a delicacy, so don’t expect to see blooms if you live [...]
2024 Annual Wreath Decorating Workshop
November 30, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Tree Fest 2022
October 19, 2022 - October 23, 2022