Redbuds-Harbingers of Spring
Redbuds are an excellent indicator of warmer days ahead. From the bean-like seed pods, we can tell that they are in the Legume (or bean) family. Their flowers come in a range of shades of deep rose, pink, purple and white, as well as a range of forms such as single trunk, multi-trunk and weeping. Although we often see the native Redbuds growing and blooming in full sun, they also do quite well as an understory tree, tolerating partial shade very well. To avoid the ever-present “leaf-scorch” in late summer, locating the tree on a northeast corner of a house will help protect it from the hot southwest summer winds, [...]
Khaki Weed Control
Khaki Weed (Alternanthera caracasana) is a perennial weed from tropical America that has invaded the southern U.S. at an alarming rate. Because it has a tremendous tap root, it is difficult to control in its mature stage. Repeated sprays and use of surfactant is necessary. Surfactants (spreader-stickers) break down the surface tension on the leaf and allows the herbicide to penetrate better and be more effective. The best control is to not let the plant go to seed. If it does go to seed, pre-emergent control can be effective. The product Isoxaben has proven to be effective if applied in the early spring. Trimec is a three-way herbicide that has [...]
Tree Fest 2022
October 19, 2022 - October 23, 2022