Protecting Tropical Plants in the Winter
Protecting Tropical Plants in the Winter Our tropical plants have been happy outside over the summer, but cold weather is soon approaching. We need be prepared to bring our tender plants inside for a short freeze or even find them a bright spot indoors for the entire winter. Before bringing them inside, check for fire ants in the soil. A soil drench with Captain Jack’s Deadbug Brew (with Spinosad) a few days before bringing them inside will kill any ants in the soil. Next, check for any insect pests on the leaves. Look for spider mites, aphids, mealy bugs, white flies or [...]
How to Check Soil Drainage
Before you decide which species of tree to plant, it is very important to know how well your soil drains internally. Dig a hole that is one foot square and one foot deep. Fill it with water and leave it overnight to drain. Fill the hole with water again the next morning, and measure the level drop per hour. Setting a ruler into the hole and checking the drop hourly is one method. A 1"-3" drop per hour is acceptable, while a 2" drop per hour is ideal. If less than 1" per hour, soil is considered to be poorly drained. If you discover that your soil is poorly drained, [...]
2024 Annual Wreath Decorating Workshop
November 30, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Tree Fest 2022
October 19, 2022 - October 23, 2022