Native Perennials for Central Texas
Acanthus, Flame Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii 3’-5’ by 3'-5' Sun. Summer blooms attract hummingbirds. May be trimmed to shape during the growing season. This is a deciduous woody shrub that may also be trimmed right before it flushes in the spring. Deer resistant. Zone 7 (Edwards Plateau) Betony, Texas Stachys coccinea 12"-18" by 2'-3' Shade, Part Shade. Low growing herbaceous perennial with red flowers from April to October. Cut back to the ground in late February. Not reliably deer resistant. Zone 7. (Trans-Pecos region of Texas, AZ and Mexico) Blackfoot Daisy Melampodium leucanthum 1’ x 3’ Sun. [...]
Oak Wilt Pruning
Oak Wilt Pruning Those of you who have heard the adage “February through June DO NOT PRUNE” probably know that it is in reference to the spread of Oak Wilt. We avoid pruning Oak Wilt susceptible trees like Live Oak and Red Oak during the time that the Nitidulid Beetle is active. This beetle has been identified as a vector of the Oak Wilt Fungus. It feeds on the sweet, sticky fungus that forms under the bark of infected Red Oaks in the spring, and can transmit that fungus to open wounds on Live Oaks or other susceptible Oaks. Members of the Red (or Black) Oak group are the most [...]
2024 Annual Wreath Decorating Workshop
November 30, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Tree Fest 2022
October 19, 2022 - October 23, 2022