Native Perennials for Central Texas
Acanthus, Flame Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii 3’-5’ by 3'-5' Sun. Summer blooms attract hummingbirds. May be trimmed to shape during the growing season. This is a deciduous woody shrub that may also be trimmed right before it flushes in the spring. Deer resistant. Zone 7 (Edwards Plateau) Betony, Texas Stachys coccinea 12"-18" by 2'-3' Shade, Part Shade. Low growing herbaceous perennial with red flowers from April to October. Cut back to the ground in late February. Not reliably deer resistant. Zone 7. (Trans-Pecos region [...]
Remember to send plants into the day hydrated. Tomorrow will have drying conditions with high wind expected all day.
Oh the sweet smells and vivid color! Fresh off the truck this week! We are ready to help you get rid of the winter blues by turning them into spring "ooooooo"s!